EN14The transducer may be programmed with analogoutput values (values of the output register in RS-485 design)at exceeded input measurement range. The following para-meters are adjustable: expected output value when lowerlimit is exceeded (Out-d) for values below the lower limit (In-d)and expected output value when upper limit is exceeded (Out-u)for values above the upper limit (In-u) – the values are presentedin Table 3 (see full user’s manual, available at www.lumelcom.pl).3.1 Transducer configuration with eCon softwareConfiguration of P21Z transducers is performed witheCon software available free of charge at www.lumel.com.pl.Detailed description of parameter configuration is presentedin the Manual for Transducer configuration with eCon software.Transducers with RS-485 interface may be configured directlyvia the interface. When configuring the transducer via PD14programmer, disconnect RS-485 interface.4. TEchNIcAl DATAMeasuring rangesINPUts:Measuring range for AC voltage (Un):0..1..100…130 V a.c.0..2.5..250…325 V a.c. input resistance > 2 M0..4..400…600 V a.c.Measuring range for AC current (In):0..0.01..1.0…1.3 A a.c. input resistance 10 m 10 %0..0.05..5.0…6.3 A a.c. input resistance 2 m 10 %}