23Traveling on a RouteMap ScreenWhen a route has been calculated, it will be displayed on the Mapscreen in green with small arrows indicating the direction of travel.The top of the screen displays the name of the street that comesnext in your Turn List together with its distance. If you are not in thecity in which the next street is, the name of the city is displayedinstead.As the route progresses, voice alerts will be used to prompt you ofupcoming maneuvers.Maneuver ListThe Maneuver List displays all of the maneuvers needed to bemade to complete the route and arrive at the destination. To viewthe Maneuver List, tap on the maneuver icon in the top left corner ofthe Map screen. (The Maneuver List is described in detail in theMap chapter of this manual.)Types of RoutesThere are a wide variety of methods you can use to create a route.Each method is discussed in the chapter which is associated withit.Routing MethodRegardless of which route type has been created, the Magellan RoadMate needs to know how the route is to becalculated. Routes can be calculated by the following methods:• Fastest Time (Fast): the fastest possible route provided the vehicle is able to travel at or near the speedlimit.• Shortest Distance (Short): the shortest possible route.• Most Use of Freeway.• Least Use of Freeway.When a destination is selected, the Magellan RoadMate offers the route with the default selected routing methodfirst.1. To change the routing method, tap Options when the ‘Go’ screen is displayed. The Magellan RoadMatecalculates the route with different methods.2. Tap on the icon to view the maneuver list for the route method desired.3. Tap the desired routing method in the list, and the previous screen returns with the new calculation.To permanently change the routing method1. From the Main Menu, tap the Settings icon.2. Tap Navigation Preferences.3. Use the Route Method drop-down menu to select the default routing method desired.Special Routing FunctionsCancelling a Route1. From the Map screen, tap Menu.