Navigation Screens 12Navigation ScreensThe Magellan Triton has five navigation screens and a Satellite Status screen. The Navigation screensprovide you with information to assist you in your journeys.Selecting Navigation Screens1. While viewing one of the Navigation screens, press PAGE / GO TO (next screen) or ESC(previous screen) to select the navigation screen you are looking for.Map ScreenThe Map screen displays your present position at the arrow cursor along with map detail informationprovided from the base map. (If you have an optional Detail Map loaded and are in an area coveredby the detailed map, the map information from the detailed map will be displayed.)Waypoints (user-created or preloaded in the map) will be displayed by their icons on the screen.A visual indication of your movements (track) is displayed on themap as an orange line with white dots. If the track has been saved,it appears as a blue dashed line (color is user customizable). Also,if you have a route activated, it is shown on the map as solid yellowlines. (The trail colors can be modified.) A pink line is alsodisplayed that indicates the Position Destination Line. ThePosition Destination Line is a straight line displaying LOS (line ofsight) from your current location to the next destination waypoint.At the top right of the map is a north indicator that rotates toindicate north from your present heading and the map scale(circled) is displayed in the bottom left corner. The header barshows battery level, time of day and satellite signal strength.Changing the Map Scale1. While viewing the Map screen, press + ZOOM or ZOOM - to step through the different mapscale levels.Data Fields. The Map screen can display up to four customizable data fields.Displaying the Map Screen Data Fields1. Tap on the tab in the lower right corner of the screen and thefirst two data fields are displayed.2. Tap again on the tab and two more data fields will bedisplayed.3. Tap once more to hide all the data fields.