Places Waypoints 53Viewing Best Fish and Hunt Times for a Place Waypoint1. From the Map screen, press MENU.2. Select Go To.3. Select Place.4. From the Select Map display, select the background map or the detailed map for thewaypoint. (If you do not have any detailed maps loaded, Background Maps will be the onlyoption.)5. Select the category or All Categories.6. Select the subcategory or All Subcategories if available.7. Select Nearest to view the waypoints in the category sorted bythe distance from your current location or do a search on awaypoint. (Select the Search field under the Places header.Select if you want the waypoints listed by nearest or if you wantto do a search. Selecting search brings up the keyboard so youcan enter the first few characters for a waypoint you want tosearch for.)8. Select the waypoint name from the list of waypoints and pressENTER. Select the View icon to the left. The Waypoint Detailscreen is displayed.9. Use the PAGE / GO TO button to switch to the Options Page.10. Select Local Info.11. Select Fish and Hunt.12. Select the arrows at the top of the display to scroll through the dates. Tap the datedisplayed at the top of the display to use the calendar to select a date.13. Press the green checkmark when done.Viewing Sun and Moon Rise and Set Times for a Place Waypoint1. From the Map screen, press MENU.2. Select Go To.3. Select Place.4. From the Select Map display, select the background map or the detailed map for thewaypoint. (If you do not have any detailed maps loaded, Background Maps will be the onlyoption.)5. Select the category or All Categories.6. Select the subcategory or All Subcategories if available.7. Select Nearest to view the waypoints in the category sorted by the distance from your currentlocation or do a search on a waypoint. (Select the Search field under the Places header.Select if you want the waypoints listed by nearest or if you want to do a search. Selecting