iThe Magellan Triton is a navigation aid designed to assist you in arriving at your selected destination.When using the Magellan Triton, these safety rules must be followed to prevent accidents that canresult in injury or death to yourself or others:IN THE INTERESTS OF SAFETY, DO NOT USE THIS NAVIGATION DEVICE WHILEDRIVING A VEHICLE.Please do not try and change any settings on the Magellan Triton while driving. Come to acomplete stop or ask a passenger make any changes. Taking your eyes off the road is dangerousand can result in an accident in which you or others could be injured.USE GOOD JUDGEMENTThis product is an excellent navigation aid, but does not replace the need for carefulorienteering and good judgement. Never rely solely on one device for navigating.USE CAREThe Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the U.S. Government, which is solelyresponsible for the accuracy and maintenance of the GPS network. The accuracy of positionfixes can be affected by the periodic adjustments to GPS satellites made by the U.S.government and is subject to change in accordance with the Department of Defence civil GPSuser policy and the Federal Radionavigation Plan. Accuracy can also be affected by poorsatellite geometry and obstructions, like buildings and large trees.USE PROPER ACCESSORIESUse only Magellan cables and antennas; the use of non-Magellan cables and antennas mayseverely degrade performance or damage the receiver, and will void the warranty.No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronicor mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose other than thepurchaser’s personal use without the prior written permission of MiTAC Digital Corporation.IMPORTANT SAFETY WARNINGS