Setting V-Chip (cont’d) 45• Dialog (D) is not an availablesubrating for TV-MA.• Blocked subratings will appearbeside the rating category in theTV ratings menu.• You cannot BLOCK a subrating(D, L, S, or V) if the main catego-ry is set to VIEW. However, youcan set a subrating to VIEW evenwhen the main category is set toBLOCK.• Changing the category to BLOCKor VIEW automatically changesall its subratings to the same(BLOCK or VIEW).Example:TV-Y7 subratings5 Press ▲ or L to select the rating you wish toadjust. Then, press ENTER twice to go to itssubratings.● When you select TV-Y7:Press ▲ or ▼ to select FV (Fantasy Violence, vio-lence that seems realistic to young children).Then, press ENTER to select BLOCK or VIEW.● When you select TV-PG, TV-14, or TV-MA:Press ▲ or ▼ to select “D” (Suggestive Dialog), “L”(Coarse Language), “S” (Sexual Situation), or “V”(Violence). Then, press ENTER repeatedly to selectBLOCK or VIEW for each subrating.To go to the previous menu, press RETURN.6 Press SETUP to save your settings and remove themenus.TV-Y7FV[BLOCK][BLOCK]BPLAYSTOPENTERRECORD DISCMENURETURNTITLESETUPA-BREPEATSEARCH MODECLEARMODE ANGLESUBTITLEAUDIODISPLAYSPEED C.RESETSTANDBY-ON PICTURE SELECTSLEEPCH.VOL.MUTEZOOM1 2 34 5 67 8 90 +10+100REPEAT56Helpful HintsT1056(06)_2006_1.qx3 10/12/04 11:57 AM Page 45