Setting V-Chip (cont’d) 214 Press or to select the TV Rating level atwhich you want to block viewing, then pressENTER once.When you select the rating category and set it toBLOCK, the higher ratings will turn to BLOCK auto-matically. Lower ratings will turn to VIEW.When you turn “TV-Y” to VIEW (or BLOCK), all rat-ings will turn to VIEW (or BLOCK) automatically.5 Press ENTER again to access a rating’ssubratings. When you select TV-Y7:Press or to select FV (Fantasy Violence, violencethat seems realistic to young children). Then, pressENTER to select BLOCK or VIEW. When you select TV-PG, TV-14, or TV-MA:Press or to select “D” (Suggestive Dialog), “L”(Coarse Language), “S” (Sexual Situation), or “V”(Violence). Then, press ENTER to select BLOCK orVIEW for each subrating. To go back to the previous menu, pressRETURN.6 Press SETUP to save your settings and removethe menu.PREVNEXTOPEN/CLOSE4-56• “D” for dialog is not available forTV-MA.• Blocked subratings will appearbeside the rating category in theTV RATING menu.• To access the V-CHIP SET UPmenu, the TV/DVD must be ona TV channel that is not blocked.If “PROTECTED PROGRAM ...”appears on the screen, changeto a channel that is not protect-ed (blocked).• You cannot BLOCK a subrating(D, L, S, or V) if the main cate-gory is set to VIEW. However,you can set a subrating to VIEWeven when the main category isset to BLOCK.• Changing the category to BLOCKor VIEW automatically changesall its subratings to the same(BLOCK or VIEW).Helpful HintsExample:TV-Y7 subratingsTV-YTV-Y7TV-GTV-PGTV-I4TV-MA( )( )( )( )[VIEW][VIEW][VIEW][BLOCK][BLOCK][BLOCK]BTV-Y7FV[BLOCK][BLOCK]B