Multi-channel Sound (MTS) broadcasts enh-ance TV viewing by bringing you programswith high fidelity stereo sound.MTS also provides an extra channel calledthe Second Audio Program (SAP), whichbroadcasters can use to transmit a secondlanguage or for other purposed.Press MTS on the remote control toselect STEREO, MONO, SAP, orMONO+SAP. All the options will beavailable only when the current TVchannel is broadcasting that option.Channels will not always carryprograms that have all the MTSoptions.If STEREO appears on the screenwhen you select a channel, stereobroadcasting is available with thecurrent TV program. You can hearsound from the left and right spea-kers of the TV.If the broadcast is not strong or clear,stereo sound is not available. Pressthe MTS button to change to MONO.This should eliminate the noise.If MONO appears on the screen whenyou choose a channel, Stereo is notavailable.If SAP appears when you select achannel, Second Audio Programbroadcasting is available for thecurrent TV program.Press the MTS button to chooseSAP and you may hear the programin a different language or some otheraudio.If you choose MONO+SAP by press-ing the MTS button, you will hear boththe Second Audio Program and theregular MONO (monaural or single-channel) audio simultaneously.Stereo and Second Audio ProgramCATV 6MONOCATV 22MONOSTEREOSAPOR31