15HOW TO USE THE TUNER MODE CONTROLThe TUNER MODE control allows you to change the TV’s input signal to either ANTENNA, CABLE or AUTO mode.The TUNER MODE control allows you to change the TV’s input signal to either ANTENNA, CABLE or AUTO mode.TIt is important for the TV to know which type of signal to look for (Antenna or Cable). In the AUTO mode, whenTIt is important for the TV to know which type of signal to look for (Antenna or Cable). In the AUTO mode, whenTthe AUTO PROGRAM feature is activated, the TV will automatically choose the correct mode.1 Press the MENU button on the remotecontrol to show the on-screen menu.2 Press the CURSOR < or > to scrollthrough the on-screen menu until until theword INSTALL is highlighted.3 Press the CURSOR > to display theINSTALL menu features.4 Press the CURSOR < or > to scrollthrough the Install features until the wordTUNER MODE is highlighted.5 Press the CURSOR > to selectANTENNA, CABLE or AUTO mode..6 When finished, press the STATUS / EXITbutton on the remote control to remove themenu from the TV’s screen.When CABLE is selected, channels 1 - 125 areavailable.When ANTENNA is selected, channels 2 - 69 areavailable.When AUTO is selected, the TV willautomatically set itself to the correct mode basedon the type of signal it detects when the AUTOPROGRAM feature is activated.HELPFUL HINTSLanguageTuner ModeAuto ProgramChannel EditLanguageTuner ModeAuto ProgramChannel EditInstallLanguageTuner ModeAuto ProgramChannel EditInstallORLanguageTuner ModeAuto ProgramChannel EditInstallORCableAutoMUTESLEEPSTATUSEXITA/CH CC>> < >STATUS / EXITSLEEPMENU