7 Installation29PP 45 RHK / PP 45 RHL for PPB 30 unitsA Outline of internal coverB PPB 30 cable feedthroughM Wall sleeve centre7.1.2 Positioning of wall sleeveNOTICEInstallation position, interior wall: Once theplaster has been applied or wallpaper put up etc.,the wall sleeve must end flush with the interiorwall.Installation position, exterior wall: Wall sleevemust protrude beyond the exterior plaster afterthis plaster has been applied. Observe the follow-ing wall sleeve projections towards the exteriorwall! The projection is needed as a drip edgewithin the external cover.Prescribed wall sleeveprojection for PP 45RHK / PP 45 RHLWall thickness WPP 45 AKPP 45 AEPP 45 AWPP 45 ASW + 10...15 mmPP 45 AKRPP 45 AKBW + 0...4 mmPP 45 LE W + 20...25 mmPPB 30 AKPPB 30 AEPPB 30 AWPPB 30 ASW + 5...10 mmPPB 30 AREPPB 30 ARWW + depth of the PPB30 AE / PPB 30 AW +5...10 mm7.1.3 Installation of wall sleeveNOTICE: Unit damage and damage to brick-work caused by condensate in the event of in-correct installation where condensate runs to-wards the interior wall if the core hole isdrilled at too slight an incline. Mount wallsleeve with an incline of 1...2 % to the exteriorwall so that any condensation which collectscan drain outwards. Observe the wall sleeveprojection towards the exterior wall!WARNING Risk of injury if a wall sleeveor external/internal cover come loose. Onlymount on walls with sufficient load-bearingcapacity. The wall sleeve must be firmlyplastered in. With PP 45 AKR/AKB, ensure se-cure locking in the sleeve.1. Determine installation location(s). Observe in-stallation dimensions and minimum spacing tothe wall and ceiling. Fit empty tube/cable feed-through.2. Drill core hole. Observe inclines of 1 to 2 % to-wards the exterior wall.3. Shorten wall sleeve. Observe the wall sleeveprojection towards the exterior wall! Specifica-tions for internal and exterior wall fullyplastered.4. Deburr wall sleeve on both sides.