8 Installation411. Take off frame of room air control.2. Connect thePPB 30 O to the RLS 45 terminalsFAN1 and FAN 2. Connect PPB 30 K units toRS 485 bus.Information• The power supply to the PPB 30 K (+) MUSTcome from the Fan1 or Fan2 connection. Makeconnection according to wiring diagram → Con-nection and wiring diagrams [} 80].• A combination of PPB30 O and PP 45 units isnot permitted at the FAN1 and FAN2 connec-tion terminals of the RLS control.• No exhaust air function is possible for PPB 30O units on an RLS 45 K control.• If a PPB 30 K is running in exhaust air mode,the PP 45 / PPB 30 O units handle the volumet-ric flow compensation at the fan interface(Fan1/Fan2). It is important that the unit type +quantity are set correctly.3. Insert room air control in the flush-mountedbox and screw down to flush-mounted boxwith 2 screws.4. Fit frame. Ensure that the sensor opening isabove the PP 45 HYI (if fitted) and that theframe engages.5. Commissioning ventilation system→ .8.8 Installing radio switch (EnOcean)When radio mode is activated, EnOcean radiocomponents, such as master or slave units orsensors, can be taught-in directly on ventilationunits. For range of radio components → Technicaldata [} 33].Purely radio-controlledsystemCombination systemDS 45 RC RLS 45 K PP 45 EO+ + +PP 45 RCPP 45 RCPPB 30 RCmax. 6PP 45 KPP 45 OPP 45 RCPPB 30 RC... ormax. 3PPB 30 O /PPB 30 KInstallation location: Do not mount re-ceiver, with internal antenna, on wall side oftransmitter.Purely radio-controlled PP 45 system1. Simply glue DS 45 RC to installation locationon the wall. Alternatively, the radio switch canalso be screwed onto the wall (mounting ma-terial provided by customer).2. Use the "Learn button" to activate teaching-inmode on the ventilation unit. For more detailedinformation on teaching-in → Operating in-structions.3. For basic unit settings, such as “Block Offfunction” → Installation instructions.PushPull combination system with PP 45 EOExtension module PP 45 EO can only be com-bined with PP 45 RC unit pairs. Wired opera-tion is needed for other unit types.4. Connect EnOcean extension module to RLS45 K control (RS485)→ Connection and wiringdiagrams [} 80]5. Start up ventilation system, activate inEnOcean service mode → .PP 45 Act EnOcean actuatorWith the PP 45 Act EnOcean actuator, radio-con-trolled PP 45 RC PushPull units can be combinedwith wired exhaust air units (ECA, ER). Installa-tion similar to light switch installation; can beswitched on and off at the touch of a button. Formore information → Accessories instructions.8.9 Installing PP 45 HYI humiditysensor in RLS 45 O or RLS 45 K1. Install room air control as described before.NOTICE: Unit damage/no function if the hu-midity sensor is installed incorrectly. Do notbend pins. Insert sensor up to stop in bush.