8deep with an 8 mm (5/16”) diameter bit or more than 5mm (3/16”) deep with a 20 mm (13/16”) diameter bit,make several passes with progressively deeper bitsettings.Stopper blockThe stopper block has three adjusting hex bolts which raiseor lower 0.8 mm (about 1/32”) per turn. You can easily obtainthree different depths of cut using these adjusting hex boltswithout readjusting the stopper pole.Adjust the lowest hex bolt to obtain the deepest depth of cut,following the method of “Adjusting depth of cut”. Adjust thetwo remaining hex bolts to obtain shallower depths of cut.The differences in height of these hex bolts are equal to thedifferences in depths of cut.To adjust the hex bolts, first loosen the hex nuts on the hexbolts with the wrench and then turn the hex bolts. Afterobtaining the desired position, tighten the hex nuts whileholding the hex bolts in that desired position. The stopperblock is also convenient for making three passes with pro-gressively deeper bit settings when cutting deep grooves.CAUTION:• When using a bit having total length of 60 mm (2 - 3/8”)or more, or edge length of 35 mm (1 - 3/8”) or more, thedepth of cut cannot be adjusted as previouslymentioned. To adjust, proceed as follows:Loosen the lock lever and carefully adjust bit protrusionbelow the tool base to the desired depth of cut bymoving the tool body up or down. Then re-tighten thelock lever to lock the tool body at that depth of cut. Keepthe tool body locked at this position during use. Sincethe bit always protrudes from the tool base, be carefulwhen handling the tool.Adjusting the lock leverThe locked position of the lock lever is adjustable. To adjustit, loosen the lock lever 3/4 turn and press the center of thelock lever. The hex nut will come out. Set the hex nut to thedesired position and tighten the lock lever.1. Hex nut1003255