6ward while the blade is in motion or KICK-BACK may occur. Investigate and takecorrective actions to eliminate the cause ofblade binding.When restarting a saw in the workpiece,center the saw blade in the kerf and checkthat saw teeth are not engaged into thematerial. If saw blade is binding, it may walkup or KICKBACK from the workpiece as thesaw is restarted.Support large panels to minimize the riskof blade pinching and KICKBACK. Largepanels tend to sag under their own weight.Supports must be placed under the panel onboth sides, near the line of cut and near theedge of the panel as shown in Fig. 1.To minimize the risk of blade pinching andkickback. When cutting operation requiresthe resting of the saw on the workpiece, thesaw should be rested on the larger portionand the smaller piece cut off.Do not use dull or damaged blade.Unsharpened or improperly set blades pro-duce narrow kerf causing excessive friction,blade binding and KICKBACK. Keep bladesharp and clean. Gum and wood pitch hard-ened on blades slows saw and increasespotential for kickback. Keep blade clean byfirst removing it from tool, then cleaning itwith gum and pitch remover, hot water or ker-osene. Never use gasoline.Blade depth and bevel adjusting lockinglevers must be tight and secure beforemaking cut. If blade adjustment shifts whilecutting, it may cause binding and KICKBACK.Use extra caution when making a “PocketCut” into existing walls or other blindareas. The protruding blade may cut objectsthat can cause KICKBACK. For pocket cuts,retract lower guard using Retracting Lever.ALWAYS hold the tool firmly with bothhands. NEVER place your hand or fingersbehind the saw. If kickback occurs, the sawcould easily jump backwards over your hand,leading to serious personal injury.Never force the saw. Forcing the saw cancause uneven cuts, loss of accuracy, andpossible kickback. Push the saw forward ata speed so that the blade cuts without slow-ing.12. Use extra caution when cutting dampwood, pressure treated lumber, or woodcontaining knots. Adjust speed of cut tomaintain smooth advancement of tool withoutdecrease in blade speed.13. Adjustments. Before cutting be suredepth and bevel adjustments are tight.14. Avoid Cutting Nails. Inspect for andremove all nails from lumber before cut-ting.Fig. 1 To avoid kickback, do support board orpanel near the cut.Fig. 2 Do not support board or panel awayfrom the cut.Fig. 3