NOTE:• When fastening screw M8 or smaller, carefullyadjust pressure on the switch trigger so that thescrew is not damaged.• Hold the machine pointed straight at the screw.• If you tighten the screw for a time longer than shownin the figures, the screw or the point of the driver bitmay be overstressed, stripped, damaged, etc.Before starting your job, always perform a testoperation to determine the proper fastening time foryour screw. When fastening a standard screw in asteel plate, the proper fastening torque can beobtained in an extremely short time (approx.0.1 – 0.2 seconds). Turn the machine off as soon asthe impact sound is heard.The fastening torque is affected by a wide variety offactors including the following.After fastening, always check the torque with a torquewrench.1. When the battery cartridge is discharged almostcompletely, voltage will drop and the fasteningtorque will be reduced.2. Driver bit or socket bitFailure to use the correct size driver bit or socketbit will cause a reduction in the fastening torque.3. Bolt• Even though the torque coefficient and the classof bolt are the same, the proper fastening torquewill differ according to the diameter of bolt.• Even though the diameters of bolts are thesame, the proper fastening torque will differaccording to the torque coefficient, the class ofbolt and the bolt length.4. The manner of holding the machine or the mate-rial of driving position to be fastened will affect thetorque.5. Operating the machine at low speed will cause areduction in the fastening torque.MAINTENANCECAUTION:Always be sure that the machine is switched off andthe battery cartridge is removed before carrying outany work on the machine.Replacement of carbon brushes (Fig. 11 & 12)Replace carbon brushes when they are worn down tothe limit mark. Both identical carbon brushes shouldbe replaced at the same time.To maintain product safety and reliability, repairs,maintenance or adjustment should be carried out byMakita Authorized Service Center.GUARANTEEWe guarantee Makita machines in accordance withstatutory/country-specific regulations. Damage attrib-utable to normal wear and tear, overload or improperhandling will be excluded from the guarantee. In caseof complaint, please send the machine, undismantled,with the enclosed GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE, toyour dealer or the Makita Service Center.7