Chain blade sharpening attachment1 . Read the instruction manual of yo:' chain saw to determine the size of wheel point,the top plate filing angle (30"or 35 ) and the depth gauge clearance [0.025"(0.64mm),0.030" (0.76mm), 0.035" (0.89mm) or 0.040'(1.02mm)] before use.17Too d a t e filinq anqle IDepth gaugeclearance2. Three sizes of wheel points are available: 5/32" (4.0mm), 3/16" (4.8mm) and 7/32"(5.5mm).Select a proper wheel point for chain cutters to be sharpened.3. Attach the guide to the tool as shownin the figure after installing the wheelpoint. Semi-tighten the wing bolt to theextent that the guide can be turned.4. Place the guide on the gauge as shown inthe figure and turn the guide until thewheel point fits into the appropriatewheel size slot in the gauge. (The wheelpoint will raise up out of the bottomof the slot by turning the guide counter-clockwise). After adjusting the wheelpoint to fit into the slot, tighten thewing bolt securely.Wheel pointI Guide I9