27 ENGLISHTable (C)– Moldingposition inthe figureMiter angle FinishedpieceFor insidecorner(a) Right 45° Save the rightside of blade(b) Left 45° Save the leftside of bladeFor outsidecorner(c) Save the rightside of blade(d) Right 45° Save the leftside of bladeCutting aluminum extrusion15342► 1. Vise 2. Spacer block 3. Guide fence 4. Aluminumextrusion 5. Spacer blockWhen securing aluminum extrusions, use spacer blocksor pieces of scrap as shown in the figure to preventdeformation of the aluminum. Use a cutting lubricantwhen cutting the aluminum extrusion to prevent build-upof the aluminum material on the blade.WARNING: Never attempt to cut thick orround aluminum extrusions. Thick or round alumi -num extrusions can be difficult to secure and the workmay loosen during the cutting operation which mayresult in loss of control and serious personal injury.Groove cuttingWARNING: Do not attempt to perform thistype of cut by using a wider type blade or dadoblade. Attempting to make a groove cut with a widerblade or dado blade could lead to unexpected cuttingresults and kickback which may result in seriouspersonal injury.WARNING: Be sure to return the stopper armto the original position when performing otherthan groove cutting. Attempting to make cuts withthe stopper arm in the incorrect position could lead tounexpected cutting results and kickback which mayresult in serious personal injury.For a dado type cut, perform as follows:1. Adjust the lower limit position of the blade usingthe adjusting screw and the stopper arm to limit the cut -ting depth of the blade. Refer to "Stopper arm" sectiondescribed on previously.2. After adjusting the lower limit position of the blade,cut parallel grooves across the width of the workpieceusing a slide (push) cut.1► 1. Cut grooves with blade3. Remove the workpiece material between thegrooves with a chisel.Carrying toolBefore carrying, make sure to remove the batteries andall movable parts of the miter saw are secured. Alwayscheck the following:• The batteries are removed.• The carriage is at 0° bevel angle position andsecured.• The carriage is lowered and locked.• The carriage is fully slid to the guide fence andlocked.• The turn base is at the full right miter angle posi -tion and secured.• The holders are stored and secured.Carry the tool by holding both sides of the tool base asshown in the figure.