Makita DUC252 Instruction Manual
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15• Hold the chain saw firmly with both hands when themotor is running.• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance atall times.Bring the spike bumper into contact with the branch to becut before switching on. Cutting without bringing the spikebumper into contact with the branch may cause the guidebar to wobble, resulting in injury to operator. (Fig. 22)When cutting thick branches, first make a shallowundercut and then make the finish cut from the top.(Fig. 23)If you try to cut off thick branches from the bottom, thebranch may close in and pinch the saw chain in the cut.If you try to cut off thick branches from the top without ashallow undercut, the branch may splinter. (Fig. 24)If you cannot cut the timber right through with a singlestroke:Apply light pressure to the handle and continue sawingand draw the chain saw back a little; then apply the spikea little lower and finish the cut by raising the handle.Bucking (Fig. 25)For bucking cuts, rest the spike bumper shown in thefigure on the wood to be cut.With the saw chain running, saw into the wood, using thetop handle to raise the saw and the front one to guide it.Use the spike bumper as a pivot.Continue the cut by applying slight pressure to the fronthandle, easing the saw back slightly. Move the spikebumper further down the timber and raise the front handleagain.When making several cuts, switch the chain saw offbetween cuts. (Fig. 26)CAUTION:• If the upper edge of the bar is used for cutting, thechain saw may be deflected in your direction if thechain becomes trapped. For this reason, cut with thelower edge, so that the saw will be deflected away fromyour body.Cut wood under tension on the pressure side (A) first.Then make the final cut on the tension side (B). Thisprevents the bar from becoming trapped. (Fig. 27)LimbingCAUTION:• Limbing may only be performed by trained persons. Ahazard is presented by the risk of kick-back.When limbing, support the chain saw on the trunk ifpossible. Do not cut with the tip of the bar, as thispresents a risk of kickback.Pay particular attention to branches under tension. Do notcut unsupported branches from below.Do not stand on the felled trunk when limbing.Burrowing and parallel-to-grain cuts(Fig. 28)CAUTION:• Burrowing and parallel-to-grain cuts may only becarried out by persons with special training. Thepossibility of kickback presents a risk of injury.Perform parallel-to-grain cuts at as shallow an angle aspossible. Carry out the cut as carefully as possible, as thespike bumper cannot be used.Felling (Fig. 29)CAUTION:• Felling work may only be performed by trainedpersons. The work is hazardous.Observe local regulations if you wish to fell a tree.– Before starting felling work, ensure that:(1) Only persons involved in the felling operation are inthe vicinity;(2) Any person involved has an unhindered path ofretreat through a range of approximately 45° eitherside of the felling axis. Consider the additional riskof tripping over electrical cables;(3) The base of the trunk is free of foreign objects,roots and ranches;(4) No persons or objects are present over a distanceof 2 1/2 tree lengths in the direction in which thetree will fall.– Consider the following with respect to each tree:• Direction of lean;• Loose or dry branches;• Height of the tree;• Natural overhang;• Whether or not the tree is rotten.– Consider the wind speed and direction. Do not carryout felling work if the wind is gusting strongly.– Trimming of root swellings: Begin with the largestswellings. Make the vertical cut first, then the horizontalcut.– Cut a scarf: The scarf determines the direction in whichthe tree will fall, and guides it. It is made on the sidetowards which the tree is to fall. Cut the scarf as closeto the ground as possible. First make the horizontal cutto a depth of 1/5 -1/3 of the trunk diameter. Do notmake the scarf too large. Then make the diagonal cut.(Fig. 30)– Cut any corrections to the scarf across its entire width.– Make the back cut a little higher than the base cut ofthe scarf. The back cut must be exactly horizontal.Leave approximately 1/10 of the trunk diameterbetween the back cut and the scarf.The wood fibers in the uncut trunk portion act as ahinge. Do not cut right through the fibers under anycircumstances, as the tree will otherwise fallunchecked. Insert wedges into the back cut in time.(Fig. 31)– Only plastic or aluminum wedges may be used to keepthe back cut open. The use of iron wedges isprohibited.– Stand to the side of the falling tree. Keep an area clearto the rear of the falling tree up to an angle of 45° eitherside of the tree axis (refer to the “felling area” figure).Pay attention to falling branches.– An escape path should be planned and cleared asnecessary before cuts are started. The escape pathshould extend back and diagonally to the rear of theexpected line of fall as illustrated in figure. (Fig. 32) |
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