17CAUTION: The cutting tools shown in the illustration are not to be sharpened.Manual resharpening will result in imbalances of the cutting toolcausing vibrations and damage to the equipment.NOTE: To increase the service life of the cutter blade it may be turned overonce, until both cutting edges have become blunt.RESHARPENING THE CUTTING TOOLADJUSTMENT OF LOW-SPEED ROTATION (IDLING)When it is necessary to adjust the low-speed rotation (idling), perform it by the carburetor adjusting screw.CHECKUP OF LOW-SPEED ROTATIONSet the low-speed rotation to 3,000 min– -1 .If it is necessary to change the low speed rotation (idle) speed, use a phillipshead screw driver on the screw illustrated on the right.Turn the adjusting screw to the right, and the engine rotation will increase.–Turn the adjusting screw to the left, and the engine rotation will drop.The carburetor is generally adjusted before shipment. After several tanks of–gasoline the idle rpm may need to be readjusted.CarburetorAdjustingscrewNYLON CUTTING HEADThe grass trimmer cutting head is a dual line trimmer head that has bump &feed mechanism.The nylon cutting head will feed out the proper length of nylon line after tappingthe trimmer head on the ground by changes in centrifugal force caused byincreasing or decreasing rpms.OperationIncrease the nylon cutting head speed to approx. 6,000 min– -1 .Bump the trimmer head lightly on the ground.The most effective cutting area is shown by the shaded area.–If the nylon cord does not feed out, rewind/replace the nylon cord by following–the procedures described under “Replacing the nylon cord.”Most effective cutting areaSTOPPING1) Release the throttle lever (2) fully, and when theengine rpm has lowered, set the I-O switch toSTOP the engine will now stop.2) Be aware that the cutting head may not stopimmediately and allow it to slow down fully.EM2650LH EM2650UHSTOP (1)(2)STOP(1)(2)