7 ENGLISHCutting angle adjustmentCAUTION: After adjusting the angle of theguide plate, make sure that the guide plate isproperly secured. Insuficient ixing may result inpersonal injury.CAUTION: Do not operate the tool whenthe material is not irmly secured with the visebecause of the cutting angle.Loosen the two hex socket bolts using a hex wrench.Turn the guide plate to the desired angle and secure itwith the hex socket bolts. Be careful not to move the setangle while securing the hex socket bolts.12► 1. Guide plate 2. Hex socket boltsNOTE: The scale on the guide plate is only a roughindication. For more accurate angle, use a protractoror triangle ruler. Keep the handle down so that thecut-off wheel extends into the base. At the same time,adjust the angle between the guide plate and the cut-off wheel with a protractor or triangle ruler.Spark guard adjustment12► 1. Screw 2. Spark guardThe spark guard is factory-installed with its lower edgecontacting the base. Operating the tool in this positionwill cause many sparks to ly around. Loosen the screwand adjust the spark guard to a position at which mini -mum sparks will ly around.ASSEMBLYCAUTION: Always be sure that the tool isswitched off and unplugged before carrying outany work on the tool.Removing or installing cut-off wheelCAUTION: Be sure to tighten the hex socketbolt securely. Insuficient tightening may result insevere injury. When tightening the hex socket bolt,use the hex wrench provided with the tool to assureproper tightening.CAUTION: Always use only the proper innerand outer langes which are provided with the tool.CAUTION: Always lower the safety guardafter replacing the wheel.CAUTION: Wear gloves when handling wheels.4 5 67123► 1. Inner lange 2. Ring 3. O-ring 4. Bonded rein-forced cut-off wheel 5. Outer lange 6. Washer7. Hex socket boltRaise the safety guard. Turn the hex socket bolt coun-terclockwise using a hex wrench while holding down theshaft lock. Then remove the hex socket bolt, washer,outer lange and wheel.12► 1. Shaft lock 2. Hex socket bolt