Part Number 80-01111-9 7/10 185SELF-CONTAINED RECOVERY/EVACUATION1. Place the toggle switch in the OFF position.2. Install manifold gauges, charging cylinder/scale,and recovery unit or two-stage vacuum pump.3. Open (backseat) the high and low side icemachine service valves, and open high and lowside on manifold gauges.4. Perform recovery or evacuation:A. Recovery: Operate the recovery unit asdirected by the manufacturer’s instructions.B. Evacuation prior to recharging: Pull thesystem down to 500 microns. Then, allow thepump to run for an additional half hour. Turnoff the pump and perform a standing vacuumleak check.NOTE: Check for leaks using a halide or electronicleak detector after charging the ice machine.Follow the Charging Procedures below.CHARGING PROCEDURES1. Be sure the toggle switch is in the OFF position.2. Close the vacuum pump valve, the low sideservice valve, and the low side manifold gaugevalve.3. Open the high side manifold gauge valve, andbackseat the high side service valve.4. Open the charging cylinder and add the properrefrigerant charge (shown on nameplate) throughthe discharge service valve.5. Let the system “settle” for 2 to 3 minutes.6. Place the toggle switch in the ICE position.7. Close the high side on the manifold gauge set.Add any remaining vapor charge through thesuction service valve (if necessary).ImportantThe cha rge i s criti cal o n a ll Man itowoc i cemachines. Use a scale or a charg ing cylin der toensure the proper charge is installed.