Refrigeration System Section 77-60 Part No. 80-1100-3HFC REFRIGERANT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSManitowoc uses R-404A and R-134A HFC refrigerantswith ozone depletion potential (ODP) factors of zero(0.0). R-404A is used in ice machines and reach-infreezers and R-134A is used in reach-in refrigerators.1. What compressor oil does Manitowoc require foruse with HFC refrigerants?Manitowoc products use Polyol Ester (POE) typecompressor oil. It is the lubricant of choice amongcompressor manufacturers.2. What are some of the characteristics of POE oils?They are hygroscopic, which means they have theability to absorb moisture. POE oils are 100 timesmore hygroscopic than mineral oils. Once moistureis absorbed into the oil, it is difficult to remove, evenwith heat and vacuum. POE oils are also excellentsolvents, and tend to “solvent clean” everythinginside the system, depositing material where it is notwanted.3. What do these POE oil characteristics mean to me?You must be more exacting in your procedures. Takeutmost care to prevent moisture from entering therefrigeration system. Refrigeration systems andcompressors should not be left open to theatmosphere for more than 15 minutes. Keep oilcontainers and compressors capped at all times tominimize moisture entry. Before removing thesystem charge to replace a faulty component, besure you have all of the needed components at thesite. Remove new system component plugs andcaps just prior to brazing. Be prepared to connect avacuum pump immediately after brazing.4. Are there any special procedures required if a POEsystem is diagnosed with a refrigerant leak?For systems found with positive refrigerant systempressure, no special procedures are required.For systems found without any positive refrigerantpressure, assume that moisture has entered thePOE oil. After the leak is found and repaired, thecompressor oil must be changed. The compressormust be removed and at least 95% of the oil drainedfrom the suction port of the compressor. Use a“measuring cup” to replace the old oil with exactlythe same amount of new POE oil, such as MobilEAL22A.Remember, care must be taken to prevent moisturefrom getting into the refrigeration system duringrefrigeration repairs.5. How do I leak-check a system containing HFCrefrigerant?Use equipment designed for HFC detection. Do notuse equipment designed for CFC detection. Consultleak detection equipment manufacturers for theirrecommendations. Also, standard soap bubbles willwork with HFC refrigerants.6. Does Manitowoc use a special liquid line filter-drierwith HFC refrigerants?Yes. Manitowoc uses an ALCO “UK” series filter-drier for increased filtration and moisture removal.During a repair, Manitowoc recommends installingthe drier just before hooking up a vacuum pump.Continued on next page …