Part Number 000007661 7/10 23Step 9 Press the OFF switch, then unscrew the icechute connector.Step 10 Using disposable food service grade glovesinsert one dry sponge into the transport tube going tothe evaporator (NOT the tube going to the bin), theninsert one sponge soaked in the sanitizer watersolution. With the pusher tube supplied with thesponge kit, push sponges all the way down thetransport tube 16 inches (41 cm) or the length of thepusher tube.Step 11 Reconnect chute connector and press theON switch. Allow the ice machine to run for 10minutes, then press the OFF switch. Catch andremove all sponges and ice from the bin/dispenser.Step 12 Clean and sanitize the bin/dispenser:• Disconnect power to the dispenser to preventinjury.• Use the cleaner and sanitizer ratios from thecharts on the previous page.• Heavy accumulations of scale will require removalof components for cleaning and sanitizing.• Rinse parts with clear water after cleaning - do notrinse parts after sanitizing.Step 13 Spray all interior bin/dispenser surfaces withsanitizer (do not rinse sanitized areas).Step 14 Place rocker switch in the ON position andreinstall all removed panels.1. Lift out ice damper.2. Remove ice deflector.A. Remove the two thumbscrews.