TO REPLACE THE COMBUSTIONCHAMBER INSULATION PANELS1. Remove flue hood assembly and burner as described in frame26, steps 4 to 11.1 2. Slide out the two side panels.two rear brackets (6 screws).out. Fit new panel, locating lower edge first.3. Carefully detach the combustion chamber and air guides from the4. Remove the rear panel by pulling forward at the top, then lifting5. Refit chamber and air guides onto the two rear brackets (6 screws).6. Carefully slide in two new side panels.7. Reassemblein reverse order with new front panel.anelustion chamberTO REPLACE THE AIR FLOWSENSOR1. Remove two screws retaining air flow sensor to associatemetalwork and carefully pull free from sensing tube.2. Unplug from the lead assembly and replace with new sensor.3. Reassemble in reverse order.TO REPLACE THE FAN1. Disconnect plughocket coming from the fan motor and leadassembly to the air flow sensor.2. Remove 2 screws securing fan assembly to flue hood, and 4 boltssecuring flue hood to combustion chamber.3. Carefully slide flue hood out from under the fan assembly, takecare not to damage the gasket on the base of the fan assembly,renew if necessary before reassembly,then remove fan and pulloff the flue tube sleeve.4. Separate the fan from its base plate (4 screws).5. Reassemble in reverse order with new fan.FanFlue tube sleeve(rear exit shown)\TO REPLACE THE MAIN HEATEXCHANGER1. Remove combustion chamber as described in frame 33, steps 1and 3.2. Close the system isolation valves. Drain the boiler down using thesafety valve. See Water System, page 6.3. Remove the overheat cut -off device, see frame 36.4. Loosen two tubing nuts and remove heat exchanger (sealedsystem).5. Loosen two tubing nuts and open vent connection and removeheat exchanger (open system).6. Reassemble in reverse orderTubingnutsTO REPLACE THE OVERHEATCUT-OFF DEVICEOverheat cut-off device is marked with white paint.1. Remove the push-rod & button assembly from the cut-off device.2. Remove the two push-on tags to the cut-off device.3. Remove the two retaining screws.4. Reassemble in reverse order. The tags may be refitted either way.Push rodSleeve. Overheatcut-off deviceGas Valve 1 I\To ManifoldSee frames 39 to 41.Page 15