ia11 Front panel - Rear panelThe front panel of the Mystèremodels is like the rest of thechassis, finished in high glosspiano lacquer finish. Thepower switch is located onthe right side of the amp, justbehind the front plate.Looking at the rear panel,you will note four pairsof stereo inputs and thepair of speaker terminals.Attach the positive (+) fromyour loudspeaker to the4 or 8 ohm terminal thatmost closely matches theaverage impedance of yourloudspeakers according totheir manufacturer’s specifi-cations. The negative (-) fromyour loudspeaker attaches tothe 0 Ohm terminal.Tip: Experiment using the 4 or 8 Ohm positive (+) terminal to find the best matchfor your speakers. Do not make any assumptions. Trust your ears.Mystère Fuse ProtectionA note on fuses: Fuses are safetyvalves. They should always bereplaced with the exact samevalue and type.Warning: Never attempt tocheck or replace a fuse while theamplifier is plugged in. Turn offthe amplifier. Unplug all speakers,components and AC cords. Wait10 minutes to let tubes cooldown and the circuit to fullydischarge.Mains Fuse:The mains fuse is located on therear of the amplifier, at the topof the power cord socket. Thefuse holder can be snapped outusing a small slotted flat bladescrewdriver.