4 NCR RealPOS 7197 Printer Migration GuideCustomer Options for Downloaded Characters Differences• Accept the smaller image on the 7197 (no change is required)• Redefine the user character for the 7197 (requires an applicationchange, and will print larger on the 7193 than on the 7197 or 7194 ina mixed 7193/7194/7197 environment with the same application)• Redefine the user character to work well on both printers (requiresan application change, and is not optimized for either printer butwill be acceptable in a mixed environment with the sameapplication)Note on Printer DriversTAPS - No changes were made with TAPS to support the new 7197printer. There is no 7197 TAPS driver. NCR Engineering has certifiedthe 7197 to run in 7193 Emulation Mode only with the latest release ofTAPS. Results when operating the 7197 in 7193 Emulation mode withan earlier release of TAPS are unpredictable; technical support fromNCR may be limited and available only on a T&M basis. TAPS doesnot allow modification of the application to send new 7197 commands,so a customer using TAPS may only take advantage of these featuresby updating both application and drivers (using NCR OPOS or writingdirectly to the printer).NCR OPOS - An NCR OPOS driver (Service Object) was released forthe 7197 Native Mode to support printer functionality included in thestandard OPOS specification. Functions not included in the OPOSRelease 1.2 specification, to which our Service Objects are coded, but aDirectIO method is provided to allow applications using the NCROPOS Service Object to take advantage of this feature. Functions notincluded in the OPOS specification and not accessible when using theNCR OPOS driver include:• The NCR OPOS Service Object does not support polling of theprinter for resident diagnostic tallies (the NCR OPOS Sender Agentactually provides logs and tallies to the Logs and Tallies Agentwithout querying the printer).