41 Service GuideOn-screen Error Message Description Action8150 Processor1 FailedInitialization on last boot8151 Processor2 FailedInitialization on last bootProcessor [1,2] could notbeinitialized at the previousbooting.8160 Processor1 unable toapply BIOS update8161 Processor2 unable toapply BIOS updateThe internal control code ofthe processor [1,2] couldnot be applied.8170 Processor P1 :L2 cacheFailed8171 Processor P2 :L2 cacheFailedThe second cache in theprocessor [1,2] could not beinitialized.Securely install the processor.Contact your sales representative toreplace the processor or motherboard.8180 BIOS does not Supportcurrent stepping forProcessor P18181 BIOS does not Supportcurrent stepping forProcessor P2An processor of anunsupported type isinstalled.8190 Watchdog Timer Failed onlast bootA watching timer erroroccurred at the previousbooting.8191 4:1 Core to bus ratioProcessor Cache disabledThe cache of the processorwas disabled.Securely install the processor.Contact your sales representative toreplace the processor or motherboard.8192 L2 Cache size mismatch The second cache in theprocessor does not match.8193 CPUID, ProcessorStepping are differentThe CPU ID or steppingdoes not match the value inthe installed processor[1,2].8194 CPUID, ProcessorFamily are DifferentThe processor type doesnot match the value in theinstalled processor [1,2].Install processors under the samespecification.8195 Front side Bus Speedmismatch.System HaltedThe front side bus speeddoes not match the value inthe installed processor[1,2].Securely install the processor.Contact your sales representative toreplace the processor or motherboard.8196 Processor Model areDifferentThe processor model doesnot match the value in theinstalled processor [1,2].8197 CPU Speed mismatch The processor clock speeddoes not match the value inthe installed processor[1,2].Install processors under the samespecification.8300 Baseboard ManagementController failed toFunctionThe baseboardmanagement controllerdoes not function.8301 Front Panel Controllerfailed to functionThe front panel controllerdoes not function.Contact your sales representative toreplace the motherboard.8305 Hotswap Controller Failedto functionThe hot swap controllerinstalled on the SCSIbackplace(HSBP) does notfunction.Contact your sales representative toreplace the SCSI backplane.