4 Express5800/120Mc2 System Release Notes! The Administrator Menu in the System Information Management segmentof the Offline Maintenance Utility is not user accessible.! ExpressBuilder operates in floppy emulation mode. Your system CD-ROMdrive is designated Drive A and your system diskette drive is Drive B. Aftercreating the Off-line Maintenance Utility diskette, ExpressBuilder promptsyou to remove the diskette from Drive B. At this prompt, remove thediskette from your diskette drive.System Element MonitoringThe following advisory applies to system element monitoring.! Certain system elements – the disk drive cooling fans, power supply, andpower supply fans – are fully monitored only with a RAID controllerinstalled in the system.! ESMPRO cannot monitor the disk drive cooling fans, power supply, andpower supply fans elements directly. However, these elements will besupported in the next release of ESMPRO Suite.! When a RAID controller is in use in the system, the Front Panel Power andFan Alarm LEDs will function correctly. If the RAID global array manageris used, it will generate an alert if one of these elements fail. This alert canbe routed by way of ESMPRO to a central monitoring location.BIOS Setup UtilityThe following advisories apply to the BIOS Setup Utility (F2):! General Help (F1) description states that pressing the ESC or Alt-X keysexits the BIOS Setup Utility. Pressing either of these keys exits the currentmenu and returns you to the previous menu. If you are displaying any one ofthe BIOS Setup Utility top level menus, pressing either of these keys takesyou to the Exit Menu.SCOThe following advisory applies when using SCO 5.05:! During the installation of SCO or any time thereafter when booting SCO awarning message may appear as follows:WARNING: Cannot connect to APM, error 0x0036 System loaded, press to start:To prevent the WARNING message from appearing, boot the system to single-user Mode. Edit the /etc/default/boot file. Add "apm.check=no" to the end of theline indicated by the "DEFBOOTSTR=" entry.