Express5800/320La System Release Notes 5The Event Log may occasionally record an erroneous sraql160 SCSI controllererror. The error description is “the driver detected a controller error on\Device\SCSI\sraq1602. If the detailed data includes word “f0030015 orf0030004,” and this error occurs only once or twice a week, ignore this error asit is caused by hard disk drive operating system interaction and is self-correcting. If however, your ft Server is experiencing ten or more such errors ina week, a hard disk drive error is suspected. Contact your technical supportrepresentative.Configuring the APC SNMP Management Card for Windows 2000These instructions detail the configuration of the 320La server with the APCSmartUPS, NEC order number 050-02049-000.1. Install the SNMP management card into the UPS. Refer to the APCinstallation manual that came with the card for instructions.2. Configure the IP address of the management card. Note this may requireconnection of the serial cable from the server to the UPS, and then removalonce configuration has been completed. The IP address of the SNMPmanagement card should be on the same subnet as the 320La server. Foradditional information regarding configuring the IP address of the SNMPcard via serial connection, refer to the manual that came with the card.3. Connect the SNMP management card to the network.4. Using a web browser on the 320La server, type in the IP address configuredin step 2. The APC SNMP login screen displays.5. Login to the APC SNMP card using “apc” for both the username andpassword. The “APC Web-SNMP Management Card” menu displays.6. On the left side of the display screen, click on “Events,” then “Recipients”and configure the trap receivers for the SNMP community by entering the IPaddress of the management station in the Receiver NMS IP field. Be sure toclick apply when done.7. On the left side of the display screen, click on “Network” and then “SNMP”to configure the community name and Receiver NMS IP address. Accesscontrol should be set to write. Be sure to click apply when done.8. Download and install the free software package “APC PowerChute NetworkShutdown”. This software can be found at the following URL: Once installed, access the user interface via the start menu. (Start |Programs | PowerChute network shutdown | user interface).10. Login using “apc” as both the username and password. The “PowerChuteNetwork Shutdown” menu displays.11. On the left side of the display screen, click on “ Configure Events” then the“Change Settings” button.