English-423. Mosaic User guides for Connect &Canvas3.1 IntroductionMosaic is a suite of collaboration products designed to simplify how people share content and collaborate with each other. Thisdocument gives a high-level overview of Mosaic Canvas, a digital whiteboard tool, and Mosaic Connect, a wireless presentationsolution. Both tools are included as standard on NEC’s CB series display.3.2 System requirementsTo run Mosaic Connect and Canvas, we recommend the following specification:Attendees can join via the following methods:Platform ConnectionWindows* Windows application, guest appMac* OS Mac application, AirPlayiOS* iOS, AirPlayAndroid* Android applicationWeb* Chrome* Less than 1920x1080 is supported3.3 Installation and activationBoth Canvas and Connect are pre-installed on the CB series display. There is no requirement to activate the software. To launcheither application, tap the icon on the CB series home screen.Getting the AppMosaic client app is available through Android and iOS app storesThe easiest way to get the correct version is by visitinghttps://connectmosaic.com on the device. The browser will automatically detect your device and provide a link to download theapp.Alternately you go directly to each store through the below linksPlay Store -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.displaynote.mosaic&hl=en_GBiTunes –https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mosaic-connect-app/id1450158906