ஜஜƸᙌԼƱƱNjƴٻЏƴ̬ ሥƠƯƘƩƞƍN8103-176/177/178 RAIDdzȳȈȭȸȩ ̅ဇɥƷƝදॖN8103-176/177/178 RAID ControllerNOTES ON USEࡁࡀ࠼ࡲPrefaceƜƷƨƼƸŴN8103-176/177/178 RAID dzȳȈȭȸȩǛƓᝰƍɥƛƍƨƩƖLJƜƱƴƋǓƕƱƏƝƟƍLJƢŵஜƸŴN8103-176/177/178 RAID dzȳȈȭȸȩᲢˌᨀžஜ RAID dzȳȈȭȸȩſƱԠƿᲣǛദƠƘŴܤμƴᚨፗŴ̅ဇƢǔƨNJƷࡽƖưƢŵஜ RAID dzȳȈȭȸȩǛӕǓৢƏЭƴ࣏ƣƓᛠLjƘƩƞƍŵLJƨŴஜ RAID dzȳȈȭȸȩǛ̅ဇƢǔɥưǘƔǒƳƍƜƱŴɧφӳƕឪƖƨƱƖƴNjƥƻƝМဇƘƩƞƍŵஜƸŴ࣏ᙲƳƴƢƙƴӋༀưƖǔǑƏƴ࣏ƣƓΨƴ̬ሥƠƯƘƩƞƍŵஜ RAID dzȳȈȭȸȩǛӕǓ˄ƚǔஜ˳ᘺፗƷӕǓৢƍƴƭƍƯƷᛟଢƸŴ ஜ˳ᘺፗƷȦȸǶȸǺǬǤȉǛƝᚁƘƩƞƍŵLJƨŴஜ RAID dzȳȈȭȸȩǛӕǓৢƏЭƴž̅ဇɥƷƝදॖſǛ࣏ƣƓᛠLjƘƩƞƍŵஜ RAID dzȳȈȭȸȩƷೞᏡƴƭƍƯŴᛇƠƘƸžN8103-176/177/178/179 User’s Guide CDſϋƷȦȸǶȸǺǬǤȉǛƝᚁƘƩƞƍŵCongratulations on your purchase of the N8103-176/177/178 RAID Controller.The User’s Guide describes how to install and use the N8103-176/177/178 RAID Controller (hereafter called the RAIDController) correctly and safely. Read the guide thoroughly before handling it. In addition, refer to this manual when you want toknow how to use it or when some malfunction occurs. Always keep the manual at hand so that you can see it as soon aspossible if necessary.For the server in which the RAID Controller is installed, refer to the User’s Guide of the server. And read this "Notes on Use"carefully before handling the RAID Controller.See a user's guide in "N8103-176/177/178/179 User’s Guide CD" for the detailed function of this product.ƝදॖNotes:(1) ஜƷϋܾƷɟᢿLJƨƸμᢿǛૺ᠃᠍ƢǔƜƱƸᅠഥƞǕƯƍLJƢŵ(2) ஜƷϋܾƴ᧙ƠƯƸݩஹʖԓƳƠƴ٭ƢǔƜƱƕƋǓLJƢŵ(3) NEC ƷᚩӧƳƘᙐᙌȷો٭ƳƲǛᘍƏƜƱƸưƖLJƤǜŵ(4) ஜƸϋܾƴƭƍƯɢμǛƠƯ˺ƍƨƠLJƠƨƕŴɢɟƝ ɧݙƳໜǍᛚǓŴᚡ᠍NjǕƳƲƓൢƮƖƷƜƱƕƋǓLJƠƨǒŴƓᝰƍ൭NJƷᝤࡃ٥ƴƝᡲዂƘƩƞƍŵ(5) ᢃဇƠƨኽௐƷࢨ᪪ƴƭƍƯƸ(4)ƴƔƔǘǒƣᝧ˓ǛƍƔƶLJƢƷưƝʕ১ƘƩƞƍŵ(6) ᓳɠŴʏɠஜƸƓӕǓஆƑƍƨƠLJƢŵ(1) No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of NEC Corporation.(2) The contents of this manual may be revised without prior notice.(3) The contents of this manual shall not be copied or altered without the prior written permission of NEC Corporation.(4) All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this manual. If you notice any part unclear, incorrect,or omitted in this manual, contact the sales agent where you purchased this product.(5) NEC assumes no liability arising from the use of this product, nor any liability for incidental or consequential damages arisingfrom the use of this manual regardless of Item (4).(6) If you find any missing pages or pages out of order in this manual, please contact your dealer for a replacement. ᙌԼǛƝ̅ဇƴƳǔЭƴ࣏ƣஜǛƓᛠLjƘƩƞƍŵஜƸ༌ᛠƷɥŴٻЏƴ̬ሥƠƯƘƩƞƍŵ Make sure you read this manual before using the product. After reading this manual carefully.Keep it in a safe place.㻤㻡㻡㻙㻥㻜㻜㻥㻢㻡㻙㻜㻜㻝㻙㻌㻯㻌