Chapter 3 Basic FunctionsII-65333...777 EEESSSMMMPPPRRROOO LLLiiinnnkkkiSM has a function for linking with ESMPRO as described below. ESMPRO Agent needs to be installed in advance toa server where iSM operates.333...777...111 OOOvvveeerrrvvviiieeewww ooofff ttthhheee FFFuuunnnccctttiiiooonnnThe ESMPRO link functions of iSM are as follows:(1) Alert report to ESMPRO Manager(2) Call of the iSM client function from ESMPRO Manager(3) Fault report to the maintenance engineer at a disk array fault (Note)(4) Report of an iSM message on ESMPRO Manager using ESMPRO Alert ManagerIf a modem is connected and fault report is made through the modem, fault report by ESMPRO link cannot be made.333...777...222 RRReeelllaaatttiiiooonnnssshhhiiippp wwwiiittthhh EEESSSMMMPPPRRROOO MMMaaannnaaagggeeerrrWhen an iSM server has been installed, reports to ESMPRO Manager are defined automatically if ESMPRO Agent isinstalled in advance to the server to run. Likewise, when an iSM client is installed, the iSM client is registeredautomatically to the operation window as an operation monitoring tool if ESMPRO Manager is installed in advance.This enables ESMPRO to perform integrated monitoring including business servers and storage.(1) Alert report to ESMPRO ManagerWhen an iSM server is installed on the server machine where ESMPRO Agent has been installed, the ESMPROreport function is set to allow reporting a disk array fault or iSM fault to ESMPRO Manager.