6FOR A GOOD ENVIRONMENTPACKAGING MATERIALThe packaging that protects the dry-ing cabinet against damage in transithas been chosen with concern for theenvironment in mind and is thereforerecyclable.Recycled packaging means reducedconsumption of raw materials and lowerlevels of waste.MANAGEMENT OF END-OF-LIFEDRYING CABINETWhen the drying cabinet has reachedthe end of its life, it must be taken toa recycling centre for disposal. Manyparts can be re-used, but the cabinetalso contains other material that mustbe handled correctly. You should there-fore never dispose of a drying cabinetor parts of a cabinet with the domesticrefuse as this can lead to health risks andharm the environment.Take the end-of-life drying cabinet toa recycling station instead. Check withyour dealer if necessary.All the plastic parts of the drying cabinetare marked with internationally stan-dardised symbols. The parts can there-fore be recycled in an environmentallyfriendly way by waste separation.