107. Setup7.1 Language: English, Spanish7.2 Photo Sequence: View photos in Sequence or Random7.3 Slide Mode: Single window, four windows and triple windows7.4 Slide Speed: 3/5/15/30seconds, 1/5/15/30 minutes and 1hour7.5 Photo Effect: color, mono, sepia7.6 Slide Effect: Random, Windows, Jalousie, Fade, Insert, Reel, Brick, 3D Float,Release, 3D Mix, Comb, 3D Circle, 3D Cube7.7 Photo Mode: Auto fit, Optimal, Full7.8 Music Play Mode: Single Repeat, Repeat All, No Repeat7.9 Video Mode: Screen(Widescreen), Full(Full Screen)7.10 Video Repeat Mode: Allows you to loop a single video or all videos7.11 DisplayContrast: Press OK, use to select between 00 (lowest) and 40 (highest).Brightness: Press OK, use to select between 00(lowest) and 40 (highest).Saturation: Press OK, use to select a point between 00 (lowest) and 40 (highest).Tint: Press OK, use to select between 40 (most color) to 00(least color).7.12 Set Time/Date:Press OK to enter the time/ date edit interface. Use to move through Year, Month,Date,Hour, Minute, Second. To edit any of them, highlight and press OK. Now useto set, then press OK to save. When done, highlight ‘Save Time’, then press OK.7.13 Set Time Format: Choose between 12 or 24 hour clock display.7.14 Hu-Motion Timer:This allows you to set the timing of the Motion Sensor. Choose between 5/10/30 minutesor 1 hour. Whatever you choose, this means that if the frame does not sense humanmovement within this time, the frame will automatically turn off. When someone re-entersthe room and movement is sensed within 2.5 Meters of the frame, it will turn on again,Select Setup from the main menu, thenpress OK to access the setup interface.Use to select the item you want toset up. Press OK to activate the submenu, select with , then press OK toconfirm. Press RETURN to move back tothe setup interface.