First Step GuideJuly 2016 ©2016,Hokkaido Nikko Telecommunications Co.,Ltd.58Click [OK] for [Dialogue for Advanced Color Setting] and the setting is reflected to the object inDrawing Area.7.21. Color PaletteThere are 4 tabs in [Color Palette] window. By applying to the Style of object and text, each caneasily create beautiful appearance.Also, you can create new pattern for Color and Gradation often used.In [MONO] tab, solid color chips are housed.In [GRADATION] tab, color chips with Gradation are housed.In [TEXTURE] tab, library of TGA file capable of tiling are housed.In [ALPHA] tab, chips only with Transparency setting are housed. Only Transparency can beapplied without changing Color.While keeping an object selected, by drug-and-dropping color chip from [Color Palette] windowtab to Item, such as [Surface Color] in [Style] window, you can apply Solid Color, Gradation, image,