WINDOW SLIDER KIT INSTALLATION (Fig. 9, Fig. 10, Fig. 11 and Fig. 12)The window slider kit has been designed to fit most standard "vertical" and "horizontal" window applications. It maybe necessary for you to improvise/modify some aspects of the installation procedures for certain types ofwindows. Some window types may require the use of cardboard fillers and/or duct tape to install.Please refer to illustration for minimum and maximum window openings.Insert Altitude unlimited drawing here – awning window and sliding door Fig 11 and 128Fig. 9 Fig. 10Fig. 11 Fig. 12Window slider lengthMin. 85cmMax. 123cmGaps can be sealed usingcardboard and duct tape.Window (Door) slider heightMax. 123cmStandard door height 210cm.Gap can be sealed usingcardboard and duct tape.Additional window sliderscan be purchased.NOBOCOOL NC-42CP/C