NXP Semiconductors UM11650KIT-TPLSNIFEVB tool4.2 Block diagramaaa-042712TPLMC33664The TPL sniffer interfaces the TPL buswith transformer isolationTPL frames are received and sent in SPIformat by the MC33664 and buffered by thecable driverInternal power supplies generate the required 3.3 V and 5 Vand implement a pulsed load to provide the power bankkeep-alive functionTPL_INTPL_OUTCABLEDRIVERCHARGEPUMP LDOGalvanic isolationMICRO-USBCONN 4x2PULSEDLOAD5 V3.3 VCONN 2x1CONN 2x1Figure 4. TPL sniffer block diagram4.3 SchematicsThe schematics for the KIT-TPLSNIFEVB tool are available at http://www.nxp.com/KIT-TPLSNIFEVB.5 Configuring the hardwareThe TPL sniffer exposes a set of connectors on two sides. One side is dedicated to the ETPL bus connectionand on the other side all other connectors are present. The two sides are galvanically isolated from each other:the ETPL bus connectors are isolated from all other accessible points on the housing.5.1 Connecting to the ETPL busAs shown in Figure 4, the ETPL connectors are on one side of the housing and are marked TPL_IN andTPL_OUT with a polarity indication + and −. The correct polarity of the connection is mandatory for the properfunctioning of the sniffer and, in most cases, also for the system to be sniffed.Conversely, the terms IN and OUT are conventional and the two connectors are electrically in parallel insidethe TPL sniffer. They are physically duplicated to make it easier to connect the wires in certain use cases. Ifthere is a daisy chain, the original ETPL bus is cut and the two ends must be plugged onto the receptacles ofthe TPL sniffer shown in Figure 5. In other cases, for example, when the ETPL bus has only one differentialend available for connection to the TPL sniffer, there is no difference between the TPL_IN and TPL_OUTconnectors, as long as the polarity is respected.As a rule, if a stub is created from the original ETPL bus, its length should be as short as possible.UM11650 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved.User manual Rev. 2 — 23 June 20236 / 15