TWRS08PT60LAB TWR‐S08PT60 Lab Guide Page 9 of 11blocks failed (i.e., all blocks are not blank)!” This is correct because the flash block has beenprogrammed with the LAB code.12.Enter the command “pg_eep 3100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8” to program EEPROM block starting at address0x3100 with data bytes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8. The following message will be shown as a result of thecommand: “Program EEPROM success!”13. Enter the command “pg_f fc00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 255 256” to program flash block starting at address0xFC00 with data bytes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,255 and 256. The following message will be shown as aresult of the command: “Program flash success!”14. Enter the command “ev_eeps 3100 8” to erase verify (blank check) the EEPROM section startingfrom 0x3100 with size of 8 bytes. The following message will be shown as a result of the command:“EraseVerify EEPROM section failed (i.e., EEPROM section is not blank)!” This is correct because thisEEPROM section has been programmed in Step 12.15. Enter the command “ev_fs fc00 10” to erase verify (blank check) the flash section starting from0xfc00 with size of 10 longwords. The following message will be shown as a result of the command:“EraseVerify flash section failed (i.e., flash section is not blank)!” This is correct because this flashsection has been programmed in Step 13.16. Enter the command “ers_eeps 3100” to erase the EEPROM sector at address 0x3100. The followingmessage will be shown as a result of the command: “Erase EEPROM sector success!”17. Enter the command “ers_fs fc00” to erase the flash sector at address 0xfc00. The followingmessage will be shown as a result of the command: “Erase flash sector success!”18. Enter the command “ev_eeps 3100 2” to erase verify (blank check) the EEPROM section startingfrom 0x3100 with size of 2 bytes. The following message will be shown as a result of the command:“EraseVerify EEPROM section success (EEPROM section is blank)!” This is correct because this EEPROMsection has been erased in Step 16.19. Enter the command “ev_fs fc00 100” to erase verify (blank check) the flash section starting from0xfc00 with size of 100 longwords. The following message will be shown as a result of thecommand: “EraseVerify flash section success (flash section is blank)!” This is correct because this flashsection has been erased in Step 17.20. Enter the command “ers_fb 3200” to erase the flash block containing the address 0x3200. There isno responding from PT60 even if the RESET (SW4) is pressed and released. This is correctbecause the LAB code was erased.21. If another session is needed, follow Step2 to download the LAB code and play with it again.