20W415-2193 / B / 12.01.17FRG. Alignez les 2 trous du dessous de la bûchecroisé avant gauche (G) sur les 2 goujonssitués à gauche du brûleur. Assurez-vous derester la bûche croisé avant gauche (G) surla bûche avant gauche (F).H. Alignez les 2 trous du dessous de la bûchecentrale droit centrale (H) sur les 2 goujonssitués à droite du brûleur. Des ajustementspeuvent être nécessaires pour assurer unplacement correct.I. Placez la bûche haute à droite (I) surl’encoche de la bûche à fond arrière (A)et l’encoche de la bûche avant droite(E). Assurez-vous de repousser labûche haute à droite (I) tout le long dupanneau arrière.J. Alignez l’épingle sur le dessus de la bûchehaute à doit (I) avec le trou du dessous dela bûche haute central (J). Assurez-vous derester le haut de la bûche haute central (J)sur la bûche arrière dessus (B).K. Alignez l’encoche de la bûche charbonavant (K) avec le deuxième barreau duchenet, en assurant que la bûche charbonavant (K) est à plat. Prenez soin de nepas couvrir les orifices.L. Alignez l’épingle sur le dessus de la bûchecentrale (C) avec le trou du dessous de labûche croisé centrale (L). Assurez-vous derester la bûche croisé centrale (L) sur la bûchecroisé avant gauche (G).G. Align the 2 holes located in the bottomof the front left crossover log with the2 studs on the left hand side of theburner.H. Align the 2 holes in the bottom of theright middle log with the 2 studs on theright hand side of the burner.I. Place the top right log on the notchesin the bottom rear log and the frontright log pushing back against the rearpanel.J. Align the hole and the pin in the rightcrossover log with the hole in the topright log.K. Place the notch in the front charcoallog over the second grate post. Makesure not to cover any ports.L. Align the pin in the bottom of themiddle crossover with the hole in themiddle of the middle log resting it onthe front left crossover log.G HIJKL6W415-2193 / B / 12.21.16ENG. Align the 2 holes located in the bottomof the front left crossover log with the2 studs on the left hand side of theburner.H. Align the 2 holes in the bottom of theright middle log with the 2 studs on theright hand side of the burner.I. Place the top right log on the notchesin the bottom rear log and the frontright log pushing back against the rearpanel.J. Align the hole and the pin in the rightcrossover log with the hole in the topright log.K. Place the notch in the front charcoallog over the second grate post. Makesure not to cover any ports.L. Align the pin in the bottom of themiddle crossover with the hole in themiddle of the middle log resting it onthe front left crossover log.G HIJKL6W415-2193 / B / 12.21.16ENG. Align the 2 holes located in the bottomof the front left crossover log with the2 studs on the left hand side of theburner.H. Align the 2 holes in the bottom of theright middle log with the 2 studs on theright hand side of the burner.I. Place the top right log on the notchesin the bottom rear log and the frontright log pushing back against the rearpanel.J. Align the hole and the pin in the rightcrossover log with the hole in the topright log.K. Place the notch in the front charcoallog over the second grate post. Makesure not to cover any ports.L. Align the pin in the bottom of themiddle crossover with the hole in themiddle of the middle log resting it onthe front left crossover log.G HIJKL6W415-2193 / B / 12.21.16ENG. Align the 2 holes located in the bottomof the front left crossover log with the2 studs on the left hand side of theburner.H. Align the 2 holes in the bottom of theright middle log with the 2 studs on theright hand side of the burner.I. Place the top right log on the notchesin the bottom rear log and the frontright log pushing back against the rearpanel.J. Align the hole and the pin in the rightcrossover log with the hole in the topright log.K. Place the notch in the front charcoallog over the second grate post. Makesure not to cover any ports.L. Align the pin in the bottom of themiddle crossover with the hole in themiddle of the middle log resting it onthe front left crossover log.G HIJKL6W415-2193 / B / 12.21.16ENG. Align the 2 holes located in the bottomof the front left crossover log with the2 studs on the left hand side of theburner.H. Align the 2 holes in the bottom of theright middle log with the 2 studs on theright hand side of the burner.I. Place the top right log on the notchesin the bottom rear log and the frontright log pushing back against the rearpanel.J. Align the hole and the pin in the rightcrossover log with the hole in the topright log.K. Place the notch in the front charcoallog over the second grate post. Makesure not to cover any ports.L. Align the pin in the bottom of themiddle crossover with the hole in themiddle of the middle log resting it onthe front left crossover log.G HIJKL6W415-2193 / B / 12.21.16ENG. Align the 2 holes located in the bottomof the front left crossover log with the2 studs on the left hand side of theburner.H. Align the 2 holes in the bottom of theright middle log with the 2 studs on theright hand side of the burner.I. Place the top right log on the notchesin the bottom rear log and the frontright log pushing back against the rearpanel.J. Align the hole and the pin in the rightcrossover log with the hole in the topright log.K. Place the notch in the front charcoallog over the second grate post. Makesure not to cover any ports.L. Align the pin in the bottom of themiddle crossover with the hole in themiddle of the middle log resting it onthe front left crossover log.G HIJKL6W415-2193 / B / 12.21.16ENFEICG