Chapter 1 Introduction© National Instruments Corporation 1-3 NI PXI-1050 User ManualSoftware Programming ChoicesYou have several options to choose from when programming your NationalInstruments DAQ and SCXI hardware. You can use National Instrumentsapplication software, NI-DAQ, or register-level programming.National Instruments Application SoftwareComponentWorks contains tools for data acquisition and instrumentcontrol built on NI-DAQ driver software. ComponentWorks providesa higher-level programming interface for building virtual instrumentsthrough standard OLE controls and DLLs. With ComponentWorks, youcan use all of the configuration tools, resource management utilities, andinteractive control utilities included with NI-DAQ.LabVIEW features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user interface,and a powerful graphical programming language. The LabVIEW DataAcquisition VI Library, a series of VIs for using LabVIEW with NationalInstruments DAQ hardware, is included with LabVIEW. The LabVIEWData Acquisition VI Library is functionally equivalent to NI-DAQsoftware.LabWindows/CVI features interactive graphics, state-of-the-art userinterface, and uses the ANSI standard C programming language. TheLabWindows/CVI Data Acquisition Library, a series of functions for usingLabWindows/CVI with National Instruments DAQ hardware, is includedwith the NI-DAQ software kit. The LabWindows/CVI Data AcquisitionLibrary is functionally equivalent to the NI-DAQ software.VirtualBench features virtual instruments that combine DAQ products,software, and your computer to create a stand-alone instrument with theadded benefit of the processing, display, and storage capabilities of yourcomputer. VirtualBench instruments load and save waveform data to diskin the same forms that can be used in popular spreadsheet programs andword processors.Using ComponentWorks, LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, or VirtualBenchsoftware will greatly reduce the development time for your data acquisitionand control application.