2-14 | ni.comChapter 2 Installation and ConfigurationBasic PXI System ConfigurationThe Platform Services 2.5.1 (or higher) software provided on the NI Driver CD-ROM willautomatically detect your PXIe-1073 chassis. To manually configure your chassis follow thesteps outlined below. Refer to Figure 2-7 while completing the following steps:1. Launch MAX.2. In the Configuration tree, click the Devices and Interfaces branch to expand it.3. If the PXI system controller has not yet been configured, it is labeled PXI System(Unidentified). Right-click this entry to display the pop-up menu, then select theappropriate system controller model from the Identify As submenu.4. Click the PXI system controller. The chassis (or multiple chassis, in a multichassisconfiguration) is listed below it. Identify each chassis by right-clicking its entry, thenselecting the appropriate chassis model through the Identify As submenu. Furtherexpanding the PXI System branch shows all devices in the system that can be recognizedby NI-VISA. When your system controller and all your chassis are identified, the requiredpxisys.ini or pxiesys.ini file is complete.5. Apply the chassis number labels (shown in Figure 2-8) included with your kit to eachchassis in your PXI system, and write in the chassis number accordingly in the white space.Figure 2-7. Chassis Number LabelThe PXI specification allows for many combinations of PXI chassis and system modules. Toassist system integrators, the manufacturers of PXI chassis and system modules must documentthe capabilities of their products. PXI Express devices must provide a driver and .ini file foridentification. These files are provided as part of the PXI Platform Services software includedwith your system controller. The minimum documentation requirements for PXI-1 are containedin .ini files, which consist of ASCII text. System integrators, configuration utilities, and devicedrivers can use these .ini files.The capability documentation for a PXI-1 chassis is contained in a chassis.ini file providedby the chassis manufacturer. The information in this file is combined with information about thesystem controller to create a single PXI-1 system initialization file called pxisys.ini(PXI System Initialization). The NI system controller uses MAX to generate the pxisys.inifile from the chassis.ini file.Device drivers and other utility software read the pxiesys.ini and pxisys.ini file toobtain system information. For detailed information about initialization files, refer to thePXI specification at www.pxisa.org.