Functions for Handling AttributesChapter 14 Function Reference 203Functions for Handling AttributesThis section contains reference information on attribute routines.Table 14-5 Attribute RoutinesFunction Descriptionslapi_attr_add_value() Adds a value to an attribute.slapi_attr_basetype() Returns the base type of an attribute.slapi_attr_dup() Duplicates an attribute.slapi_attr_first_value() Gets the first value of an attribute.slapi_attr_flag_is_set() Determines if certain flags are set.slapi_attr_free() Frees an attribute.slapi_attr_get_bervals_copy() Puts the values contained in an attribute into an array of bervalstructures.slapi_attr_get_flags() Gets the flags associated with an attribute.slapi_attr_get_numvalues() Puts the count of values of an attribute into an integer.slapi_attr_get_oid_copy() Searches for an attribute type and gives its OID string.slapi_attr_get_type() Gets the name of the attribute type.slapi_attr_get_valueset() Copies attribute values into a valueset.slapi_attr_init() Initializes an empty attribute.slapi_attr_new() Creates a new attribute.slapi_attr_next_value() Gets the next value of an attribute.slapi_attr_set_valueset() Initializes a valueset in a Slapi_Attr structure from a specifiedSlapi_ValueSet structure.slapi_attr_syntax_normalize() Returns a copy of the normalized attribute types.slapi_attr_type2plugin() Gets information about the plug-in responsible for handling anattribute type.slapi_attr_type_cmp() Compares two attributes.slapi_attr_types_equivalent() Compares two attribute names to determine if they represent the sameattribute.slapi_attr_value_cmp() Compares two attribute values.slapi_attr_value_find() Determines if an attribute contains a given value.slapi_valueset_set_from_smod() Adds the changes in a modification to a valueset.