Approving RequestsChapter 3 Handling Certificate Requests 45When you view the details of an unassigned request, you can click “assign to me”to assign it to yourself. The request is immediately assigned to you, and theRequest Details page reflects the assignment. If you leave the page withoutapproving, rejecting, or canceling the request, the request remains in the queuewith the status of Pending, but it is assigned to you.Adjusting, Verifying, and Approving a RequestBefore you verify and approve a request, you can adjust some of the parameters,such as the subject name and validity period.This procedure is for non-certificate profile based requests, so the followinginformation will be of use only if the system is configured to do the old styleenrollment. Certificate Profile based requests will be marked as a certificate profileenrollment in the request queue. In the type column of the request queue, therequest will be listed as Enrollment (Certificate Profile). These requests produce adifferent approval form from other requests. For details about certificate profilerequests with which your system is configured by default, see “Adjusting,Verifying, and Approving a Certificate Profile Request,” on page 43.To adjust, verify, and approve a certificate request:1. Select the certificate request from a list of requests, as described in “Selecting aRequest” on page 41.2. In the Service Request form, check the Assigned To prompt to see if thecertificate request is assigned to you.❍ If the request is unassigned, you can choose to assign it to yourself. Click“assign to me.” Your CMS login name appears as the assigned agent, andthe “assign to me” link changes to “cancel request assignment.”❍ If the request is already assigned to you, you can choose to cancel theassignment. To cancel the request’s assignment, click “cancel requestassignment.” The form then shows that the request is unassigned. You canstill act upon an unassigned request.❍ If the request is assigned to another agent, you cannot act on the requestunless you reassign it to yourself. Click “re-assign to me.” Your CMS loginname appears as the assigned agent, and the “re-assign to me” linkchanges to “cancel request assignment.”