NOTE: Fan should only be operated in a counter clockwise direction,connect white wire of fan to the negative power wire, and the black wireof fan to the positive power wire. The green wire should be connected tothe ground wire on the mounting bracket.7.5.16 After wires are connected, remove fan from hook, and slip mounting coneover mounting bracket. Align the open holes of cone with the two screws,and rotate until cone will stay in place. Then replace the other two screwsin cone and tighten all four screws firmly.7.5.17 Turn on power, check that the hub is turning in a counterclockwise direction. Turn power off.7.5.18 Take pre-assembled blade/arm sets (#14) and attach them tothe hub. (#16) Only remove one pair of the truss head screws(#15) at a time on the top of the hub attach a blade/arm setthen move to the next set of screws (be sure the blade/armset is attached with the notice “This side up” facing the ceiling).7.5.19 Your fan is ready to use.7.5.20 If wired and installed properly, fan blades will rotate counter-clockwiseand produce downward draw.7.5.21 For reverse or upward draw operation, blades need to be removed,inverted (flipped over) and re-attached, due to the unique blade design.Then use reverse button on Speed Controller. Blades should rotateclockwise.Copyright 2013 all rights reserved by Nextek Power Systems, Inc. in the United States and in other countries throughout the world. 15Vari-Cyclone Ceiling Fan Installation ManualModels: 3/4-Blade Vari-CycloneRev. 0107137.0 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE