STUNField name explanationSTUN NAT Transverse Shows STUN NAT Transverse estimation, true meansSTUN can penetrate NAT, while False means not.STUN Server Addr Set your SIP STUN Server IP addressSTUN Server Port Set your SIP STUN Server PortSTUN Effect TimeSet STUN Effective Time. If NAT server finds that a NATmapping is idle after time out, it will release themapping and the system need send a STUN packet tokeep the mapping effective and alive.Local SIP Port Set the SIP port.Choose line to set info about SIP, There are 2 lines to choose. You can switch by“Load” button.Use Stun Enable/Disable SIP STUN.Notice: SIP STUN is used to realize SIP penetration to NAT. If your phone configuresSTUN Server IP and Port (default is 3478), and enable SIP Stun, you can use theordinary SIP Server to realize penetration to NAT. DIAL PEER settingThis functionality offers you more flexible dial rules; you can refer to the followingcontent to know how to use this dial rule. When you want to dial an IP address, the entry ofIP addresses is very cumbersome, but by this functionality, you can set number 156 toreplace here.When you want to dial a long distance call to Beijing, you need dial an area code 010before local phone number, but you can also dial number 1 instead of 010 after we make a