Safety PrecautionsIP 65 VersionsIf you have received an IP65 version of the gearbox, besure to seal between the gearbox and motor interfacewith a sealant to ensure an IP65 rating of the gearbox /motor assembly. Also apply sealant to the access holeplug during step “G”. Please contact NIDEC-SHMPO withany questions.Table ATighten the gearbox input shaft clamp bolt to theproper torque using a torque wrench (see Table B).F.G.Table BRe-install the access hole plug into the motor adapterplate. Assembly is complete.A. Avoid use in wet or corrosive areas, unless the gear-box is specified for these environments.B. Ambient temperature in the area of the gearboxmust be in the range of 0° -40°C, unless the gearboxis built to withstand a different temperature range.C. The gearbox (with motor) must be firmly attachedto a vibration-free frame or fixture.D. The gearbox has been lubricated and can be operat-ed immediately.E. At initial operation, check the direction of shaftrotation, then apply the load gradually.F. Avoid excessive loads.G. Ensure that the motor speed does not exceed themaximum RPM specified for the gearbox.H. Watch for the following problems and discontinuemotion immediately:I. The gearbox is not designed to be disassembled.J. The gearbox is lubricated for its lifetime with appro-priate grease. No re-lubrication is required.a. Sharp increase in temperatureb. Abnormal noisec. Unstable output speedNIDEC-SHIMPO AMERICA CORPORATIONMotor Installation BoltSizeTightening Torque(Nm) (in lbs)M3 1.1 9.7M4 2.5 22.1M5 5.1 45.1M6 8.7 77M8 21 186M10 42 372M12 72 637Clamp Bolt Size Tightening Torque(Nm) (in lbs)M3 1.9 16.8M4 4.3 38.1M5 8.7 77M6 15 133M8 36 318M10 71 628M12 125 1106