29Chapter 14: Basic Menu14.2 Date/Time MenuYou should set the date and time when first setting up your system. You canalso configure Daylight Saving Time (DST) settings.To access the Date/Time Menu, select the Basic button, and then selectDate/Time from the list on the left side of the screen.• Date/Time: Input the current date using the date format that hasbeen selected, and input the current time using the time format thathas been selected. If you have selected the 12-hour format, you willhave to differentiate between AM and PM.• Date Format: Use the drop-down menu to choose the way that youwould like the date displayed.• Time Format: Use the drop-down menu to choose the way thatyou would like the time display.• Time Zone: Use the drop-down menu to choose the time zone inwhich you are located. Keep in mind that if you have alreadymanually changed the date/time.• Auto Update: Select this box if you would like the DVR toautomatically update the date/time. Keep in mind that this featurewill only work if the network settings have been configured properly.• Time Server: You will generally not need to change this setting.This is the web address that updates the date and time.