16Once the DVR has been connected to power it willswitch itself on automatically(Or put the switch on atthe back of DVR). The DVR takes approximately 30seconds to boot up, during which time the image tothe right will be displayed.When you first press a button on the remote controlor click a right button on the mouse to access to themenu, the DVR may ask you to LOGIN.To get full functionality of the DVR, enter theusername ‘admin’ and leave the password fieldblank. To change the admin password, alter userprivileges or change whether the DVR requires asecure login or not, see “User Setup Menu” .The default mode of the DVR is live-viewing mode.This is the mode which monitors the images comingfrom your cameras in real-time, and allows you toconfigure your recording and channel options. TheDVR automatically starts in live-viewing mode, withmulti-view enabled.The first thing you’ll probably open is the pop-upmenu. To access the pop-up context menu,right-click anywhere on the live-viewing screen, orpress the MENU / ESC button on the remotecontrol. The pop-up menu lets you quickly accessthe following functions, which can be selected byleft-clicking the option you want. The options aredescribed in detail on the right page.Starting the DVRIMPORTANT :Password protection: If the password is continuous wrong three times, the alarm will start. If thepassword is continuous wrong five times, the account will be locked. (Through reboot or after halfan hour, the account will be unlocked automatically).For your system security, please modify your password after first login.