LABEL TYPE OF MATERIALb1b2b3b15b25b35Concrete mortarPlasterGypsumConcrete, Type 15Concrete, Type 25Concrete, Type 3514 7. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS MOISTURE CONTENT MEASUREMENT (OPTIONAL)Universal portable moisture meter can also measure moisture content of concrete and otherconstruction materials such as mortar and gypsum. Measurement principles are similar to ones used inwood moisture measurement, but there are few differences. First of all, expected values of measured moistureare lower than ones reached in wood measurement. Also, additional equipment and measurement procedurediffers a little. There is less limitation regarding static electricity andsimilar disturbances.can read moisture content in certain construction materialswhich are divided into 6 groups. All groups have labels which aresame as symbolic values used for parameter .Labels and corresponding materials are given in the table:Additional equipment is necessary for moisture measurement in these materials and is ordered separately. Twomethods for measurement are used: measurement with contact mass and measurement without it.on customer request provide especially designed probes (electrodes) used for moisturemeasurement .RVD-904TYPE"NIGOS - elektronik"without contact massRVD-904RVD-904