0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 150 0.05mmObject to be measured is positionedbetween these surfaces.Measures extremal dimensions.Move Slide to open and close.Measures the height of steps.Measures internal dimensions. MoveSlide to open and close.Position surfaces inside object to bemeasured.Measuring Surfaces foroutside measurementsOutside JawsMeasuring surfaces forstep measurementsInside JawsMeasuring surfaces forinternal measurementsIndicates measured value in 1mmgraduations.Bar for measuring depth. Bar movesin and out with Vernier Slide.Depth is measured between thesetwo surfaces.Press to release Vernier Slide fortaking measurement, releasing willautomatically lock Slide in place.Scale for measuring with a resolutionof 0.05mm. Refer to following pagefor instructions on use.Main ScaleDepth BarMeasuring surfaces fordepth measurementsThumb LockVernier Slide(Vernier scale)VERNIER CALIPERS WITH THUMB CLAMPPRECISION MEASURING TOOLS-Model No.User ManualThank you for purchasing the VERNIER CALIPERS WITH THUMB CLAMPThis product is a precision measurement tool with a main scale and a vernier scale to indicate the measured value.For safe and proper use of this product, please read this instruction manual before use and follow the procedures described. Pleasekeep manual where it is accessible to user for future reference.Keep this manual with the instrument if transferred or leased to a third party.For inquiries about this product, please contact dealer or Niigata Seiki at the address listed on the following page.PART IDENTIFICATION AND FUNCTIONSAFETY PRECAUTIONS Please ObserveAlways follow the proper operating procedures in order to preventharm to yourself or others, and to prevent damage to property.Read the manual and follow the instructions.Use of product other than as described in the manualmay cause accident.Use only for measuring.Use for any purpose other than measuring maydamage or wear the instrument. Improper use mayalso cause accident.Handle with Care.Do not drop or subject instrument to excessive shock.Do not place under heavy objects. Improper handlingmay cause damage or poor accuracy.Do not scratch instrument, for example by writing IDnumber.Indicates risk of personal injury or property damage if not followed.WARNINGDenotes a prohibition-You MUST NOT doDenotes a requirement-You MUST doUse in proper environment.Please do not use instrument in rain or locations withexcessive humidity. Do not use at extreme high or lowtemperatures. Keep out of direct sunlight.Jaw Tips are sharp - Handle with care.Careless handling may cause injury.Do not move the Vernier slide without pressingThumb Lock.Excessive force applied to Slide may cause damage oraffect accuracy.Do not disassemble or modify.Do not remove the vernier slide, Please do not attemptto disassemble or modify as it may cause damage orpoor accuracy.Measuring surfaces forexternal measurementsOutside JawsMeasuring surfaces forstep measurementsMeasuring surfaces forinternal measurementsThumb LockVernier Slide (Vernier Scale)Main Scale Depth BarMeasuring surfaces fordepth measurementsInside JawsCALIBRATIONIn order to maintain instrument accuracy, it is recommended thataccuracy is confirmed through calibration on a periodic basis.Wear of measuring surfaces from repeated use may affect accuracy and periodicaccuracy checks should be performed.We provide calibration services.Please contact agent in country ofpurchase to make arrangements.