[ SHIPPING ]The Sensor Unit is a precision instrument; when carried or shipped care must betaken to avoid damage. Please be careful not so subject instrument to shock,vibration, or excessive forces during shipping.Hand CarryingAlways transport in supplied case.Transport in upright position and not on side or upside down.When transported by automobile, reduce unnecessary vibration as much aspossible by placing on upright on passenger seat during transport.When placing the Level Gauge into the storage case, use care since the outer bodyis larger than the base and will get stuck.Shipping via Truck or CarrierPlease prepare a shipping box with internal size approximately 20cm larger thanthe storage case in all dimensions.Place the instrument in the storage case, and place the case in the box with allsides protected with appropriate packing material (such as shredded paper orsimilar cushioning material.) Pack with enough material to ensure the case will staycentered in the box and will be protected from shock.The case should be right-side up, and the box marked to insure the box is keptupright during shipping, and not on side or upside down.-23-Shipping BoxPackingMaterialStorage Case※ Leave room for 10cm of packing material on all six sides